On April 19, 2007, on the recommendation of the Baltimore City Health Department and the Maryland Department of the Environment, the Baltimore City Recreation and Parks Department closed Swann Park in South Baltimore. Test results indicated elevated levels of arsenic in the soil at the park. Updates to this developing situation will be posted on this site.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Community Meeting on Swann Park

On April 22, the Mayor and Health Commissioner met with community members at 3 pm at Digital Harbor High School. Also attending were Councilman Reisinger and Delegate McHale. We discussed plans (1) for the Agency for Toxic Releases and Disease Registry (ATSDR) to investigate potential human health concerns from exposure to arsenic and other chemicals at Swann Park; (2) the plan to be put forward by the city and Honeywell with the oversight of the Maryland Department of the Environment to remediate the site; and (3) the investigation to understand who knew about arsenic contamination at the park between 1976 and today. The meeting ended at approximately 5 pm.

ATSDR is assembling its team on Monday. We will schedule an opportunity for the community to provide input into the health review in the near future.

Contact information

http://www.baltimorehealth.org (410) 396 - 4398